Bay Area Sensory Learning Center

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Our primary focus at Bay Area Sensory Learning Centers is to help children with learning disabilities. The first step is to fill out a child assessment form to see how our program will work for you and your family. 


The Sensory Learning Program is a multi-sensory approach to developmental learning that simultaneously stimulates the visual, auditory and vestibular systems with light, sound and motion. The Program challenges the primary sensory systems to work together and better adapt to multi-sensory input, the foundation of all sensory processing.
The Sensory Learning Program is a 30-day intervention. It consists of two-30 minute sessions each day for 12 days, followed by an 18 day in home light therapy.
For more in depth information on the Program, please go to

Click below if you are considering the Sensory Learning Program for a child:

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Child Assessment Form


Key Benefits for Children

  • Effective treatment for Autism

    Children on the autism spectrum crave sensory stimulation. The repetitive sensory activation of the Sensory Learning Program can help bring forward developmental patterns that have been delayed.


  • Non-Verbal Language Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome

    When verbal skills are strong, visual-vestibular and spatial reasoning skills can improve with the Sensory Learning Program because both the visual and vestibular systems are being engaged simultaneously in the sessions.


  • Acquired Brain Injury

    When an adolescent or adult acquires a brain injury, the brainstem area, which receives primary sensory messages often, loses its ability to process and integrate those messages effectively. The individual often becomes hyper-vigilant, responding to all sensory impressions. Repetitive sensory activation in the sessions can help the individual relearn to process and integrate sensory input.


  • Developmental Delays

    Sensory stimulation naturally brings forth developmental patterns. When there are delays, repetitive, unique sensory stimulation can allow developmental milestones to emerge.
  • Birth Trauma

    Even in a newborn, when the nervous system experiences physical trauma the brain begins to function as if it has an acquired brain injury. The child responds to ordinary sensory information as though the sensory messages are signaling a trauma. When the child begins to process sensory information in a safe environment during the Sensory Learning Program, he/she integrates sensory information more efficiently. The child responds and relates to his/her environment in a more typical way.


  • Behavior Problems

    Children may try to cope or compensate when sensory skills are difficult or impossible for them to perform. They cannot regulate sensory input or sensory activity levels due to sensory overwhelm and the accompanying emotional frustration. Many behavior problems result because sensory messages are not processed and integrated accurately and efficiently. Sensory skills are learned, and when the brain reorganizes to process and integrate sensory messages more efficiently and accurately, sensory arousal in the environment produces more natural behavioral responses.
  • ADD / ADHD

    An individual’s proficiency to attend to a task depends on his/her ability to regulate sensory input and sensory activity levels. Often children who have difficulty with sensory skills exhibit behaviors that earn them these labels. Many sensory messages process and integrate initially in the brainstem area. This area must be functioning in an organized way to arouse the individual to attend adeptly.




  • Learning Enhancement

    Exercising the sensory systems simultaneously allows people to enhance their ability to multi-task and perform multi-sensory activities more efficiently and effortlessly. Sensory skills can become enhanced and can promote easier learning and improved performance.



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